Herbal Supplements For A Healthier Life

Viral Plus C 120’s


Dietary Supplement


This Herbal Viral Plus C Supplement supports the body’s immune response against viruses, including Covid, Rotavirus, RNA viruses, TB, and Herpes, by aiding in blocking ACE2 receptors to potentially hinder viral replication. While not claiming to cure or prevent these viruses, it aims to strengthen immunity, based on global research findings.
100% Natural Product
100% Herbal Product
Locally Manufactured
Hand Made
Ethically Sourced
Small Batch Production
Plant-Based Ingredients
Traditional Recipe
Wellness Focused



This Herbal Viral+C (+Covid) Supplement is designed to support the body's immune response against various viruses, including Covid, Rotavirus, RNA viruses, TB, and Herpes. Its mechanism includes naturally assisting the body to block ACE2 receptors, potentially impeding viral replication.

This Viral Plus C capsule does not claim a cure or prevention for Corona viruses, SARS viruses or other related viruses. It is intended to build immunity. Information below is based on worldwide research.

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