Herbal Supplements For A Healthier Life

Evening Primrose 120’s


Dietary Supplement


Our Evening Primrose Oil Capsule provides omega-6 GLA to support skin health, hormonal balance, and relieve symptoms of conditions like PMS, offering the benefits of evening primrose oil in a convenient supplement.
100% Natural Product
100% Herbal Product
Locally Manufactured
Hand Made
Ethically Sourced
Small Batch Production
Plant-Based Ingredients
Traditional Recipe
Wellness Focused



Our Evening Primrose Oil Capsule is a natural supplement containing the beneficial omega-6 fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) derived from the seeds of the evening primrose plant.

Renowned for its potential to support skin health, hormonal balance, and alleviate symptoms associated with conditions like premenstrual syndrome (PMS), each capsule is carefully crafted to deliver the advantages of evening primrose oil in a convenient form.

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